We Finally Did It! (Stage 5 Cayuga Championship Round)

The saying goes when it’s your time it’s your time… not going to lie after 12 years competing, you start to question yourself if it is ever going to happen. There are a lot of athletes, that have great careers, but never get a championship! Cayuga Lake is a tremendous fishery, and with it only being 5 hours away from where I live my family was able to be there as I got my first National win!

My Website: http://bit.ly/3TyoqRB

Charter Info: If you happen to be from NJ or visiting the Jersey Shore, and would like to book a charter with Jersey Boy Charters, check out our website for booking details. http://bit.ly/3lmapKf

For those that would rather not fish but go on a relaxing Cruise in the back bay, check out Jersey Shore Cruises to book a cruise on our pedal boat. http://bit.ly/42kWJzN

Follow the HOUSE

Jacob Wheeler – http://bit.ly/3To74XF

Mark Daniels Jr. – http://bit.ly/3YZtpvQ

Dustin Connell – http://bit.ly/4038yJh

Video Produced & Edited by BJ Mastrangelo HTS: Media Productions – http://bit.ly/3TpfjCy

#adrianavenafishing #cayuga #majorleaguefishing

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